
Podcast | How to Pace Yourself During a Half or Full Marathon

By March 12, 2016Podcast

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In this episode, we talk about:

  • How to pace yourself during a half or full marathon and run your best race on any given day.
  • I share how to train for multiple races in a season and how to train in between each race.
  • We talk about how to know when it’s time to make the tough decision to drop out of a race and why it’s important to do so.
  • You’ll learn why it’s important to not run at 1% incline on the treadmill, and how to safely transition your runs to the roads this spring.
  • We finish up by answering a question on how to weave other non-running goals (cycling) into your routine.

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One Comment

  • Carol says:

    Thanks for adding a direct download feature to your podcasts. Now I can put them on my mp3 player and listen when I run.

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