
May Email

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MAY the Next Challenge Begin! It’s time to kick it up a notch! May is here and many of you are deep in the training/racing season, which is a great time to start looking at ways to enhance your performance.…
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April Email

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April Shower Yourself With High Fives! Can you believe it?! We are starting the second quarter of Challenge 365 and a brand new month of summits and fun! We are moving into the spring race season and many of you…
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March Email

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March Forth! A new month and a new summit goal awaits us! As a group, we made great strides in February. Well done on working towards your goals! Remember, it’s the journey and the progress that matter most…and if you…
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February Email

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A New Month, A New Start! It’s February! You made it through the first month of 2019. Maybe it turned out exactly as you hoped, maybe not, but any steps towards progress count as wins around here! Set your new…
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September Email

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We see you, SEPTEMBER! Ah, September. School is back in session, those perfect temperature running days are either here or just around the corner, and we move into our final push to meet our 2019 goals…remember those?! If you are…
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