Welcome to a New Season of Challenge 2018! Hello, Challengers! We are past the halfway mark of the year and into our 3rd quarter of our journey through 2018 together! Congratulations to all of you who completed the 4th of July #VictoryLap Virtual Run, and on all of your fantastic progress towards your #BestPerformance. Remember: Any step forward is great progress, and we are interested in progress, not perfection! We have a new color logo to reflect the sunny summer, and we have all new focuses and challenges to keep us moving, including the third Workout of the Season (#WOS) of the year. For the rest of July, we will give you time to get acclimated with the new #WOS while we share tips and tricks for #MealPrep. This is a slightly more relaxed month while we move towards the fall race season and gear up for our August and September Halftime Challenge! Keep reading to find: - Workout of the Season (#WOS) 3
- A focus on #MealPrep
- June Challenger of the Month
- Podcast with Deena Kastor
- The Challenge 2018 Store
- Facebook Group Etiquette
Post your progress with #MealPrep, the Workout of the Season (#WOS), and any of your other training adventures in our private Facebook group for a chance to earn some high fives, support, and win a gift certificate to the Challenge Store! |